Bridal Shoot Photography

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Bridal Photos on The Pointe

Wedding Photos in Charlotte – Bridal Shoot Photography | Lighting for a wedding photographer is like gas for a car, you just need it. As wedding photographers in Charlotte there are quite a few times that we come across lighting situations we fall in love with. At times lighting can be good for wedding photography and…

Your cousin is not a wedding photographer?

Charlotte Wedding Photographers | Bridal Shoot Photography – As North Carolina wedding photographers in Charlotte we hear alot of different things from brides on ways to cut cost on their wedding and save on wedding photos. One big problem we hear from time to time is people hiring relatives to plan, film, or photograph their wedding.  If your…

Indenpendence Park Bridal Photos Mrs. Cain

Charlotte Wedding Photographers | At Bridal Shoot Photography we love taking bridal photos and sharing our work. The only drawback with bridal shoots is we can’t show our work or how beautiful a bridal portrait is until after the big day. As Charlotte wedding photographers in North Carolina that can be frustrating. Last week we…

2012 Best Wedding Photo I

North Carolina Wedding Photographers – I love my job as a North Carolina wedding photographer in Charlotte at Bridal Shoot Photography. I often say being a wedding photographer gives me the opportunity to get to know people I otherwise would not. Wedding photographers also get the chance to share in the laughs and pains of weddings…
