Bridal Shoot Photography

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Picking A Wedding Venue

As a wedding photographer in Charlotte I have had clients for wedding photography get married at the best wedding venues in Charlotte NC and beyond. Every place we provide our services as wedding photographers has something special about it that is unique to their brides and appealing for their wedding. I thought about this topic…

Creative Wedding Pictures

Bridal Shoot Photography Charlotte Wedding Photographers – Wedding photography is a very fun job because you can incorporate the serious of your job as a wedding photographer with the not so seriousness of taking creative and fun wedding photos. This photo was taken after one of my recent weddings and just made me that the bridesmaids were…

Renaissance Charlotte SouthPark Wedding Tiffany and Adam

Charlotte Wedding Photographers Bridal Shoot Photography  Renaissance Charlotte SouthPark Wedding – Congrats to Tiffany and Adam after a beautiful wedding at St. Matthews Catholic Church in Charlotte they celebrated their marriage with a Renaissance Charlotte South Park Wedding. Weddings at St. Matthews Catholic Church and weddings at Renaissance Charlotte SouthPark Hotel are always beautiful but…

Carrigan Farms Wedding Brandy and Gary

Charlotte Wedding Photographer in North Carolina Carrigan Farms Weddings – Congrats to Brandy and Gary we had a wonderful time working as their wedding photographer in North Carolina taking wedding photos at Carrigan Farms. As a North Carolina wedding venue in Moorseville Carrigan Farms is one of the best and most beautiful locations to have…

  • BarbaraJune 6, 2013 - 9:53 am

    Your wedding was almost as beautiful as you are.Love you both! Hope you are having a awesome honeymoon and be safe!ReplyCancel

  • AnitaJune 6, 2013 - 5:02 pm

    It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to! This video was wonderful and “gave me a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat!” So proud of both of you!ReplyCancel

  • Steve FranckeJune 7, 2013 - 5:56 pm

    Congratulations Gary and Brandy…what a beautiful wedding ceremony and thanks for allowing us to be a part of your special day. The photos and video are amazing – just like the two of you.
    All the best,
    Steve Francke & Andrea PointsReplyCancel

  • Nanny and PoppyJune 9, 2013 - 5:43 pm

    Congratulations Gary and Brandy, Our oldest grandson getting married to a lovely redhead and we won’t forget our first great granddaughter. What a beautiful wedding. Our best wishes for a happy life.
    Love, Nanny and PopReplyCancel

  • Crystal LoveJune 14, 2013 - 10:54 pm

    Congratulations Brandy and Gary! It was the most beautiful wedding I could ever imagine. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special beautiful day.ReplyCancel
