Charlotte Wedding Photographers Bridal Shoot Photography – As the summer sets in weddings are happening every weekend and for some wedding photographers and wedding venues weddings are taking place every day. With the beautiful weather and frequent weddings one thing that all brides should be aware of is the heat as wedding photographers in Charlotte NC we are no strangers to heat in the south and for wedding photography we have to move around very fast and frequently during weddings just to get the best wedding photos. As a wedding photographer this can be annoying but like most professional Charlotte wedding photographers in North Carolina and other wedding vendors we are used to it. With that being said there may be some that are not used to working in hot weather or comfortable enjoying your day in the heat. With that being said I would advise brides as you plan your wedding be aware of the weather and the heat. It is a good idea to have water available for wedding guest as the heat can be unbearable to some. I have observed wedding guest get up and walk into wedding reception areas during the wedding to get out of the heat some have even went home. So as the summer heats up keep that in mind. Congrats to all of the brides getting married this summer from Charlotte wedding photographer Bridal Shoot Photography North Carolina wedding photographers in Charlotte.