Bridal Shoot Photography

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Wedding Photographer Candid or Traditional

A few years ago for one of my wedding photography clients I had a beautiful bridal portrait at Freedom Park.  As a Charlotte wedding photographer enthusiast of the trade I really enjoy showing my work and taking wedding photographs and other wedding photography services. When someone enjoys what they do the quality shows in their work. While I was meeting with a new bride at my studio I showed them some of my work and as normal we discussed her wedding photography needs and how we can stand out over other Charlotte wedding photographers in North Carolina.  During our conversation the bride mentioned she would prefer candid wedding photography over traditional posed wedding photography. I have to agree wedding photography that is posed and staged can sometimes seem fake while candid wedding photography shows the real emotions that are taking place at the wedding. This can also apply to the use of photo shop editing from a wedding photographer to natural wedding photography strait from the camera. As a wedding photographer in Charlotte who has shot countless weddings as the lead photographer for Bridal Shoot Photography I have learned that taking wedding photography that requires little to no editing is best. Proper shot composition and the correct camera and exposure settings in wedding photography can lead to magical images that leave brides and grooms very happy and others wondering if the photo is real or manipulated in photo shop and how did you take that shot. The bridal portrait on this post is a perfect example I took this photograph with my Nikon D300 with the camera settings set to my standards for bridal portrait and wedding photography. When I showed the photo to the new bride mentioned above she was shocked and wondered was it real. Her question was a compliment with Bridal Shoot Photography as wedding photographers in Charlotte we aim to make  make brides ask how the photographer did that. For amazing wedding photography in Charlotte, a Destination wedding photographer, or North Carolina wedding photographers visit Bridal Shoot Photography at their studio for wedding photography in Charlotte.
